root@XXX:~# ./indiftpd -p666 -Utoto -Ptoto -H/ 07/11/2010:23:19:39;Use "indiftpd -h" for help. Exit using "Ctrl-C". 07/11/2010:23:19:39;Starting server on port 666... 07/11/2010:23:19:39;Listening for FTP connections on port 666.
root@XXX:~# ./indiftpd -h IndiFTPD version 1.0.9_beta (1.0.9) usage: indiftpd [options] options: -h or -help displays this message -hr displays help on data port ranges -hf displays help on user files -hU displays help on specifying a user -hR displays help on permissions -hL displays help on logging -hF displays help on log formatting -p<port> port number the server will run on (default = 21) -r<low>-<high> range of ports to use for data connections (default = any) -f<userfile> file containing user info (def userfile = indiftpd.cfg) -a<userfile> add a user to the user info file (doesn't start server) -b<IP> IP address to bind to (must be in x.x.x.x form) -e enable explicit SSL (AUTH SSL) -i<port> enable implicit SSL on the specified port (default = 990) -U<user> specify a user for the site (default = anonymous) -P<password> password for the user (default = [no password]) -H<homedir> home directory for the user (default = CWD) -R<flags> permissions for the user (default = lvcpstduoamn) -L<level>:<path> logging level (default level = 2, path = CWD) -F<type>:<format> set the format for the program/access (type = p/a) logs